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The Sunflower


                                   The Sunflower

      I planted a vegetable garden in pots on my patio, since there is not a good garden plot available. In one long pot was planted some melon, which due to the rich, organic loam, grew prolifically. One strange plant also grew, and I did not want to weed it, preferring to see what it would grow into. In my daily busyness, the plant was largely ignored, until one day, there was a lovely little sunflower blossom on top of it. But it had grown in such a funny way-- horizontally, and into a loop, before shooting up vertically.
       So, it is with us, as our Heavenly Father allows us to grow, sometimes when it is not clear what we shall become. Yet, this plant was nourished with sun, water and good soil. Despite harsh circumstances in our lives, God can make our lives into beautiful flowers, with unique, intricate features.