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A Rose of Another Color

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A Rose of Another Color

      Two small rose bushes were planted in our yard—one in the back and the other in the front. The first year, each produced one lovely, fragrant rose blossom.
      The second year, the rose, in the back yard, brought forth two lovely rose blossoms, at the same time—twin roses. However, unlike twins, the two blossoms were not the same color. One was a brilliant pink and the other, a delicate maroon-satin red. Each rose, with its unique color, was magnificent. Together, side by side, the red and pink flowers clashed! We did not realize that one rose bush could produce flowers of different colors.
      Nevertheless, like the rose bush, so it is with families. In the same family, each child is unique and beautiful, but with very different gifts and temperaments, and often, clashing with each other! As with families, so it follows that clans, societies and nations, side-by-side, each beautiful and unique, but very different, often clash.
      The roses are actually a mild comparison—two rose flowers of different colors, on the same bush, dwelling peacefully side-by-side. It gives us pause to notice the exquisite beauty of each, and despite their differences, the flowers actually do dwell side-by-side in harmony, despite appearing to clash.
      The challenge for our families, clans, societies and nations is to dwell in peace, side by side, reveling in the other’s splendor and not allowing the differences to cause clashing, but instead a harmonious blending.
      Why did our Heavenly Father cause the rose bush to bear roses of different colors? Botanists and genetics experts could probably give some scientific insight. Perhaps it is to challenge us to be like those roses of different colors, dwelling peacefully, working out differences and problems, with maturity and respect. Instead of the flowers
clashing with each other, the colors blend into vibrant duo and give a lovely fragrance.